The Cadastral System in Hungary
Friday, 27 February 2009

The official name of the Hungarian integrated cadastral system is: unified land registry system. Unified means that the cadastre and the legal registry (“Grundbuch”) have been operating in an integrated form both on legal basis and institutional level since 1971. There is one institutional network consisting of land offices responsible for registration of legal transactions, cadastral mapping changes and dealing with land and other real estate property related activities. Among Europe’s title registry systems, the Hungarian was the first unified one.
This document called "The Cadastral Sytem in Hungary" gives a comprehensive description about the situation in Hungary. The document was prepared for the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the Euorepan Union (PCC) in 2009, containing details about the Hungarian system and about our previous developments. PCC made a survey about the cadastral systems of the EU countries according to definied topics and questions.
The document called The Cadastral System in Hungary available in pdf format.