Fusion of Budapest Land Offices |
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 |
The Budapest District Land Office No. 2 (1134 Budapest, Váci út 9-15.) will be closed down with succession of title on 31st December 2010. From 3 January 2011 on, also land affairs of the IV., V., VI., és XIII. districts can be arranged in the Budapest District Land Office (currently No. 3. at 1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér 5.), which will function from 3 January 2011 under the name Budapest District Land Office No. 2. Consequently it means that instead of the currently existing three district land offices of Budapest only two will manage the land affairs in the future: No. 1 in Buda, (1111 Budafoki út 59) and No. 2 in Pest (1149 Bosnyák tér 5).