Land Surveying
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Within the land management sector, the land surveying divisions have the duty to perform official land surveying tasks. This is not identical with the former land surveying activity carried out by the land offices till the beginning of the 1990s on individual or public order.  Currently, the land offices do not undertake this kind of activity; this became the job of private land surveyors or enterprises specialised in that.

Please note that in accordance with the current regulation, sketch maps that cause changes in the content of the land registration map (cadastral map) can only be produced or verified by land surveyors who are authorized to land surveying and qualified as real estate organizers.

Land surveying procedures in the land offices

At district land offices
At county land offices

The official jobs of the land offices are specified by the Act LXXVI/1996 on land surveying and cartographic activity and its implementing decree 16/1997 (III.5.)FM (Ministry of Agriculture). The official land surveying tasks can be separated into three parts:

1. Land surveying tasks within land registration: updating
Certain sorts of changes that happened in the content of the land registry can result in changing of the content of land registration map. These are e.g. constructing or demolition of buildings, subdivision and merging of real estates or modification of their boundary lines. In these cases, the rule of law provides the preparation of sketch map of changes as an obligatory attachment to the document needed for updating the registered content. The land office does not prepare sketch maps of changes within the framework of its official competence, but they examine and check the submitted sketch maps, verifying with a clause that it corresponds to the professional specifications and is suitable for updating. 

2. Data supply
The archives of data and maps of land offices have been keeping the governmental basic data, the maps and other documents connected to their production, the cadastral maps, the geodetic control points, and the archive copies of former sketch maps of changes. From those data, the land office provides copies of documents the use of which is obligatory in certain public administration procedures, and also supplies land surveying data for creating new changes – all against data servicing fee for the citizens. 

3. Examination of complaints
Certain surveying, mapping or area calculation errors can occur, when producing cadastral maps or updating cadastral maps with changes. These kinds of errors can remain undiscovered during several decades until a new survey becomes necessary in the same or neighbouring plot because of some new change. The examination of these errors belongs to the official duties of the land surveying unit.

On the contrary, the marking out of boundary lines of land parcels or the settling of disputes on boundary lines originating in the difference between documented and natural status of a land parcel are not official duties of the land office. 

Land surveying jobs managed by the district land offices:

  • Maintenance and servicing of governmental basic land surveying and mapping data,
  • Registration, maintenance and updating of governmental basic data,
  • Managing cases related to the applications containing land surveying tasks,
  • Examination and verification of land surveying jobs for special destination,
  • Correction of land surveying, mapping and area calculation errors. When correcting land surveying and mapping errors, the land office must not change the existing land tenure situation, according to rules of law. In the case of disputes, the boundary line indicated in the valid judge’s decision will be registered.
  • Tasks related to changes discovered during an official procedure in the governmental basic data,
  • Tasks concerning marking and determination of parcels’ boundary lines.
  • Check of the reporting obligation concerning the changes of cadastral map that do not effect the content of the land registry,
  • Authorization procedure of plot formation, joint plot formation procedure.


Land surveying jobs managed by the county land offices:

  • Maintenance and servicing of governmental basic data,
  • Carrying out second instance procedures in the cases relating to land surveying, mapping and plot formation that at first instance belong to the district land offices,
  • Exercising land surveying and mapping supervision,
  • Examination of the spot, maintenance and protection of landmarks marking the points of the horizontal and vertical networks,
  • Procedures related to cases with rights of land usage in areas occupied by land surveying marks,
  • Tasks delegated to the county land office originating from the centralised registration of administrative boundaries,
  • Direction, control and supervision of land surveying and mapping activity of the district land offices belonging under the territorial competence of the individual county land offices.