Cadastre iNSPIREd! |
Friday, 11 March 2011 | |
Cadastre iNSPIREd! – Project, an active cooperation of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre (PCC) and EuroGeographics Knowledge Exchange Network on Cadastre and Land Registry has delivered its report, so the project successfully finished. Cadastre INSPIREd!” is the title of a joint Working Group and project of the Permanent Committee of Cadastre of the EU (PCC) and EuroGeographics. The main focus is to investigate INSPIRE themes of Annex II and III which are relevant for the cadastre e.g. land cover, buildings and Orthoimagery. The objective of the project is a classification of the importance and relevance of cadastral information to these themes, and to contribute to the development of the INSPIRE- Data specifications. Julius Ernst, Chair of the group and Deputy Director of Division Verification and Cadastral Offices at the Austrian Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying (BEV) proclaimed that based on the successful results of the former project ‘Role of the cadastral parcel in INSPIRE’ and the great interest of the members of EuroGeographics and the PCC it is clear, that the ‘cadastral parcel’ represents an essential element in National and European SDI. The close cooperation of the experts from EuroGeographics and PCC contributed significantly to the work of the INSPIRE Annex II and III drafting teams. |