Legal Background
Friday, 04 January 2013
Relevant legal regulations
  •  Act XLVI of 2012 on land surveying and mapping activity
  • The ministerial decrees on the implementation of the Act CLVI of 2012 on land surveying and mapping activity,  16/1997. (III.5.) FM and 21/1997. (III.12.) FM-HM
  • Joint ministerial decree 63/1999. (VII.21.) FVM-HM-PM on the maintenance and servicing of national land surveying and mapping basic data and on certain administration servicing fees
  • Ministerial decree 166/2009. (XII.9.) FVM on the administration servicing fee of licencing procedure for plot forming
  • Ministerial decree  44/2006. (VI.13.) FVM on the parcel numbering of independent real estates and the marking of sub-parcels. (The attached annex of figures can be downloaded in pdf format.)
  • Governmental Decree 178/2008 (VII.3.) Korm. on the preparation of the expropriation plan, its supervision and verification and on some issues about the payment of the difference in value originated with the expropriation.
  • Ministerial decree 46/2010. (IV.27.) FVM on the land surveying and mapping activity of special purpose and using national basic geodata.
  • Ministerial decree 47/2010. (IV.27.) FVM on the implementation, documentation, checking, examination and acceptance of point determinations by using GPS (global satellite positioning system)

  • Act CXLI of 1997 on Real Estate Registration and its enacting ministerial decree 109/1999. (XII.29.) FVM
  • Ministerial decree 176/2009. (XII.28.) FVM on servicing and administrative service price of certain land registration data through data query from the computerised land registration system, and about establishing the administrative service fee of the land registration procedure and the detailed rules of payment
  • Governmental decree 207/2006. (X.16.) Korm on the mandatory elements of the service contract containing the conditions of data service from the computerised land registration system
  • Act LXXXV of 1996 on the amendment of the Act XCIII of 1990 on the stamp duties and on the administrative service fee for servicing authenticated copies of property sheets
  • Ministerial decree 118/2005. (XII.19.) FVM on the administrative service fee of the land registration procedures
  • Governmental decree 338/2006. (XII.23.) Korm on the land offices, the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, the Committee of Geographical Names and the detailed regulation of land registration procedure.

  • Act LV of 1994 on Arable Land
  • Act CXXIX of 2007 on the protection of arable land
  • Governmental decree 16/2002. (II.18.) Korm on the detailed regulation of exercising the right of pre-emption and the right of pre-lease of arable land
  • Governmental decree 356/2007. (XII.23.) Korm on the detailed regulation of land use registration
  • Ministerial decree 155/2009. (XI.16.) FVM on the detailed rules of establishing the rate of the administrative service fee and its payment for the data supplied from the land use register
  • Ministerial decree 105/1999. (XII.22.) FVM  on the detailed rules of land classification
  • Parliamentary decision 48/2002. (VII.19.) OGY on the principles of land tenure policy 
  • Governmental decree 221/2008. (VIII. 30.) Korm on the detailed rules of performing the protection against ragweed from public interest, the establishing and demanding of the costs of the protection by the State or from public interest

  • Act CXL of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Proceedings and Services
  • Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary
  • Act XCIII of 1990 on Duties
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information
  • Act XXXV of 2001 on Electronic Signatures
  • Act XI of 1998 on Attorneys at Law
  • Act CXVI of 2001 on National Land Reserves
  • Governmental decree 28/1994 (III.2.) Korm  on the refund of costs related to the conversion of cooperative shares into independent properties
  • Governmental decree 63/2005 (IV.8.) Korm on the detailed regulation of terminating the jointly owned undivided property that was created during delivery of land as cooperative share
  • Governmental decree 7/1996. (I.18.) Korm on the land acquisition by foreigners

The above listed acts and rules of law are all valid currently, but their translation, which can be downloaded from here is for information only, it cannot be considered as authorized material and may contain a previous version of the texts.