Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is FAQ?
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): on this page you can find the answers to frequently asked questions about the operation of the homepage.

2. How can I send e-mail to the editors?
Click to the link Contact us that can be found in the bottom of every page of the Portal. Then clicking to the appearing menu item E-mail to the Editors you can start your e-mail by the help of your selected mail system. Please note that sending e-mails from certain mailboxes – that can be registered free of charge on the internet – may fail.

3. What resolution and what kind of browser program are needed to view this Portal?
The Land Office Portal is optimized to a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. Of course, the portal is available for any resolution and browser too.

4. What is the task of the Land Office Portal?
Land Office Portal is the countrywide homepage of the institutional network of the Hungarian land offices. Its basic philosophy corresponds to the tasks and goals published in the Governmental Program „to support the transformation into information society and realize the servicing public administration.”
Besides, it is an important goal to realize the mission of the land administration:
To become an efficient and successfully operating institution and make property transactions secure, integrated, accessible and easier for all.
Accordingly, the Land Office Portal gives information to the citizens, and supports the communication between public administration and citizens.

5. Do the county land offices have homepages of their own?
All county land offices and that of the Capital have got their own homepages too, only in Hungarian, that can be accessed through the Hungarian version of the Land Office Portal under menu item Földhivatalok. From the list, you can select the homepage of the wished land office with the relevant local information. All land offices have been maintaining and updating their own homepages.

6. How can I print out the articles shown in the Portal?
In the same line with the titles of the articles, in the upper right corner you can find three icons: PDF, Print and E-mail.

  • Clicking on PDF, the article will appear in PDF format and Acrobat Reader, from where the printing goes simply.
  • Clicking on Print, the text will appear in a separate window, in printable format. You can start printing by repeated click on the Print icon. 
  • Clicking on E-mail, you can forward the article to your friends.

7. What can I find under the menu item Legislation?
Legislation contains those rules of law, decrees, regulations and decisions, which gregulates the tasks, activities and competence of the institutional network of land offices. Uploading of legal material is going on continuously; the complete texts of the most important ones are made accessible for downloading too.