Map Searcher
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Settlement Search with Map Searcher

Search the wanted settlement in the map of Hungary and you can find out, to which district or county land office it belongs. You also can get a statistical overview on the land parcels of the selected settlement by location and by cultivation lines, and also you will be informed, what kind of land registration maps are available of the selected settlement.

The following statistical data are available free of charge countrywide by settlement:

  • land parcel statistics by location (urban area, rural area and hobby gardens), number of land parcels, number of independent buildings, number of flats, size of the whole area, size of the smallest land parcel, size of the largest land parcel, size of average land parcel,
  • land parcel statistics by cultivation lines (woodland, grassland, orchard, reeds, arable land etc.): number of land parcels, number of sub-parcels, size of all sub-parcels, size of the smallest sub-parcel, size of the largest sub-parcel, size of average sub-parcel,
  • map coverage by settlement and by locations within that, code of the Central Office of Statistics, projection, scale, date of the survey, date of map correction, information about the general maps and their availability.

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The statistical data listed above can be found by the Settlement Searcher too.