Friday, 25 February 2011

Frequently used acronyms

The table below contains the acronyms frequently used in the Hungarian land management, in alphabetic order, without aiming at completeness. In certain cases, more detailed explanation can be found by clicking on the acronym itself or on Thesaurus.

 Ak gold crown
 BEVET vectorised map of urban area
 BIIR Land Registration Information System of Budapest
 CA Certificate Authority
 CEN European Committee for Standardization
 DAT digital base map
 DAT digital base map standard in Hungary MSZ 7772-1
 DXF data exchange file of the AutoCAD graphic system
 EOTR Unified National Map System
 EOV Unified National Projection System
 EU European Union
 FH land office
 FIG Fédération Internationale des Géométres - International Federation of Land Surveyors
 FNT Gazetteer of Hungary
 FÖMI Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
 FÖNYIR Land Lease Registry
 FVM Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
 FVM FTF Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
 Department of Land Administration and Geoinformation
 GIS Geographic Information System
 GML Geography Markup Language – e.g. WFS is GML-based 
 GPS Global Positioning System
 hrsz parcel number
 HUNAGI Hungarian Association for Geoinformation
 Iny. land registration
 Inytv. Act CXLI of 1997 on Land Registration
 ISO International Organization for Standardization
 ITR Interactive mapmaking software (Hungarian)
 Ket. Act CXL of 2004 on rules of official procedures in public administration
 KDIR Complex Decentralized Land Registration System
 KFH district land office
 Kht. nonprofit company
 KÜVET vectorised map of rural areas
 LIS Land Information System
 MePAR Agricultural Parcel Identification System
 MFH county land office
 MFTTT Hungarian Society of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
 MgSZH Central Agriculture Office
 MRD Ministry of Rural Development
 MRD DLA Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Land Administration
 MSZ Hungarian Standard
 MVH Agricultural and Rural Development Agency
 NFA National Land Fund Organization
 NFÜ National Development Agency
 NKP Kht. National Cadastre Programme Non-Profit Company
 NTSz Plant and Soil Protection Service
 OGPS National GPS Network
 OGY National Assembly/Parliament
 ONTSz National Plant and Soil Protection Service
 OTK National Conference for Geoinformation
 PCC Permanent Committee in the Euorpean Union

 Poland and Hungary Assistance for the Reconstruction of the Economy - EU aid 
 programme assisting the EU accession (terminated)

 Ppt. Act III. of 1952 on the civil rules of court
 Ptk. Act IV. of 1959 on the Civil Code

 Service-Oriented Architecture

 TAKAROS Countrywide Computerization of Map-based Cadastral System
 TakarNet Online Land Infromation System/Service
 tv. act
 tvr. law-decree
 vhr. enacting clause of an act / decree
 VIR Management Information System
 VM Ministry of Rural Development
 VM FF Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Land Administration
 WFS Web Feature Service
 WMS Web Map Service
 WPLA UNECE Working Party on Land Administration -Land Administration Working Group
 of UN Economic Committee in Europe
 XML EXtensible Markup Language