Ministry of Agriculture Department of Land Administration and Geoinformation (MoA DLAG)Is responsible for carrying out the tasks concerning the administration and regulation of national land surveying, mapping and remote sensing activity, land and property registration, land protection and classification, land tenure (landed property, land use, land consolidation), as well as for completing certain tasks as an authority; It is responsible further on for the elaboration of the IT- strategy of the agrarian sector and coordination of its implementation, coordination of the improvement of the sector’s information systems operating under the auspices of the Ministry, professional control of the information technology projects, coordination of IT jobs needed within the agrarian sector relating to e-administration and last but not least, for the management of the domestic and foreign relationships of the agrarian sector in terms of IT-aspects. Within the organisation of the Ministry
Péter Zambó, State Secretary for Land Administation dr. János Nagy, Deputy State Secretary for Land Administation have been supervising the directing and controlling activity of DLAG.
DLAG consists of the following three Divisions: Division of Land Registration Division of Land Protection and Land Use Division of Geodesy and Geoinformation Division of Land Sales and Control Division of Land Registration Division Head: dr. Balázs Tóth This division is responsible for the professional elaboration of rules of law and directives relating to the registration of land and other real estates, reporting on other rules of law concerning land registration and has been - directing, supervising and controlling the land registration activity of the land offices, and
- completing central territorial data service concerning land administration.
Division of Land Protection and Land Use Division Head: dr. Olga Nagy This division is responsible for the professional elaboration of rules of law concerning land classification, land ownership and use, the registration of land use and land privatisation, together with formulating professional opinion on rules of law of other sectors relating to land affairs. According to regulations of competence, the Division represents the second order authority of land protection; issues opinion about settlement planning concepts in the cases mentioned in the relevant rules of law; makes decisions in cases of returning or cancelling of land protection charge and fine, and prepares proposals for decision-making concerning the applications on modifying the 2nd compensation land fund. The Division performs professional tasks to support arable land acquisition aiming at land consolidation, coordinates the field-inspections and ragweed monitoring to be carried out by the land offices. The Division has been directing and controlling the land office activities relating to land protection and classification, and the maintenance of land use registration too. Back Division of Geodesy and Geoinformation Division Head: Piroska Zalaba
This division is responsible for the professional elaboration of the rules of law concerning state land surveying, mapping and remote sensing activities, the formulation of professional directives, and also has been directing and controlling - the creation, development and maintenance of the geodetic control networks;
- the production, maintenance and updating of the national geodetic base maps and their general maps, as well as the topographic maps at scale of 1:10 000;
- the performance of FÖMI relating to the governmental basic tasks and basic jobs;
- land surveying tasks of the land offices.
Furthermore, the division is responsible for directing the computerisation programme of land offices, the planning of the IT strategy of the agrarian sector and coordination of its implementation, and as well as directing and supervising the IT development activity of the land offices, the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI) and the National Cadastre Programme Non-Profit Company. Its task is to supervise the operation of the land office IT systems, coordinate the hardware and software improvement, as well as coordinate the surveys and data collection concerning FÖMI’s IT-tasks; coordinate the organizing of courses for IT training and postgraduate training of the land office staff; coordinate the IT tasks of e-administration relating to the agrarian sector and the connections with the governmental and EU information systems; coordinate the improvement of the IT systems within the agrarian sector under the Ministry and exercise professional control on IT projects;- organize and manage the domestic and foreign IT-relationships of the agrarian sector; transfer land administration and mapping knowledge towards the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula within the framework of various projects.
Division of Land Sales and Control Division Head: dr. Mária Kollár
Back Deconcentrated institutions supervised and directed by MoA DLAG: 
Land Offices Institute of Geodesy Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI) Natoinal Cadastre Programme Nonprofit Company