NON-STOP LAND OFFICE DATA SERVICE VIA THE CENTRAL CLIENT'S GATE  Background The Hungarian unified land registration system as vital part of the national basic data structure reached such a level of service that has a promising future. See more details about the Hungarian system and about our previous developments in the summary document called The Cadastral System in Hungary, February 2009 prepared for PCC (Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union). However, without improving electronic network services and renewing the technological background, the current system cannot provide a solid authorized basis anymore that would directly or indirectly guarantee the fulfilment of the aims of the Hungarian development policy. With the aim of reaching the goals exprtessed in our mission statement, the land administration elaborated a long-term development programme called ”Digital Land Office”. The chance to complete this programme was created when the financial resources provided for the coming years by Hungary and the EU were opened. The expected result of the step-by-step development is a completely electronic case management and data servicing in the land offices. The first step within this programme is the project called Non-stop Land Office Data Service via the Client's Gate, or its short name TakarNet24. November 28, 2008: Signing the Support Contract After winning the tender – within the Development Plan called „New Hungary” and as a part of the Electronic Administration Operative Programme (EKOP) – the support contract of the priority project „TakarNet24 – Non-stop Land Office Data Service via the Clients' Gate” (with short name TakarNet24, EKOP 1.1.3) was signed and the implementation started. The expected result of the project is that the citizens will have online access to land office data round the clock on the Governmental Portal Clients Gate through the Internet.
More than hundred participants, professionals and representatives of the wide public were present at the event organized in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Opening speeches were delivered by Ferenc Sirman, Secretary of State and dr. Ákos Bálint, general director of the National Development Agency (NFÜ).
March 5, 2009: Project Kick-Off Conference More than hundred participants, professionals and representatives of the wide public were present at the event organized in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Opening speeches were delivered by Ferenc Sirman, Secretary of State and dr. Ákos Bálint, general director of the National Development Agency (NFÜ). The presentations of the event can be downloaded in pdf format (in Hungarian):