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Message of EuroGeographics PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 25 October 2010

On the occasion of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the foundation at the General Assembly held 10-13 October 2010, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council has recognised EuroGeographics’ members for their ‘invaluable’ commitment to making geospatial data more accessible and readily available across the European Union (EU).  Opening the 2010 General Assembly in Brussels, Mr Van Rompuy told heads from national mapping, land registry and cadastral agencies that geographical information is crucial for effective policymaking. He said: “Effective policy depends on good information, and in such a geographically diverse Union it is vital that we understand not just what is happening, but where it is happening. This information needs to be readily available to policymakers at all levels so that the European Union, and the countries within it, can use geospatial data to improve the lives of citizens, the environment and the strength of our economy.”

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