Institutions supervised or controlled by the Department of Land Administration within the Ministry of Agriculture: Land Offices The task of the institutional network of land offices (19 county and one for the Capital plus 120 district land offices) is to maintain and update the land registration system consisting of property sheets and cadastral maps, both legally and technically, maintain local data and map archives together with servicing data from them and perform all the operative jobs relating protection, classification and development of land.

The institutional network of the land administration system Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (FÖMI) FÖMI is responsible for the performance and co-ordination of research and development tasks connected to land administration, and for completing certain operative and controlling jobs. The main role of FÖMI is to provide the Department of Land Administration and its supervised land office network with research background and operative support. The Institute’s field of competence covers the organizing, controlling, supervising, state border-related, research and development activities of the land surveying branch, maintaining the central data and map archives, making use of satellite geodesy, spatial images and aerial photography, providing support to land offices in operating remote sensing and computerised systems, completing GIS development projects and performing tasks concerning central quality management of the land management sector. FÖMI’s professionals have been participating in the activity of several national and international geodetic, cartographic, remote sensing, GIS and spatial research organisations and societies as committee members. National Cadastre Programme Non-Profit Company The Company is responsible for the financing of the production of state digital surveying base maps paid from bank loan with governmental guarantee, including the creation and use of the resources needed for the completion of the National Cadastre Programme and the financial support of the further development of the land registration system allowing map management. Non-profit job of the Company is the organizing and managing activities relating to the production of state digital surveying base maps, and the digital transformation of the maps for the purpose of land registration. Further information about the Department