Official portal of the Hungarian land administration
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Land Registration PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 09 August 2010

Keeping the land register up-to-date, managing the cases connected to land and other real estates: these are the main tasks of the territorially competent land offices. Land and other real estates have been recorded by settlements and within those by location (urban area, rural area, earlier also suburban hobby gardens). The district land offices receive clients at the client service desk, accepting applications and supplying data.

Address list of land offices, Search by settlement names
Using the searching facility you can can find out, which district land office is competent to manage the case concerning a land parcel or other real estate located in a given settlement.

On the first grade, the district land offices (or their branch offices) are responsible for keeping the land register up-to-date and managing the cases. The supervisory authority above the district land offices are the county land offices, and in Budapest the Capital Land Office for the Budapest district offices, respectively.  These latter ones are responsible for the professional direction, supervision and control as well. The professional direction, supervision and control above the county land offices are the tasks of the Ministry of Rural Development.

Land registration cases what can be  arranged at

District Land Offices:

  • Requesting copy of property sheet, getting information about the content of the and registration system.
  • Requesting copy of deeds (documents) kept by the office.
  • Asking information about applications: whether the document (usually submitted by an attorney for updating) is acceptable for recording or additional data/documents are needed; whether there is some other case submitted earlier that affects the current application or exclude its recording somehow.
  • Submitting appeals.
  • Submitting applications during the application period for the life annuity offered by the National Land Fund (NFA).

County Land Offices:

  • The clients can protest against the measures of the district land office, or attorneys ask information about new rules of law affecting the cases they are managing.
  • Passing judgements on appeals submitted against the first grade decisions.
  • The public prosecutor’s office calls for the standpoint of the county land office in theoretical questions, or objects a measure taken by a district land office. Partner institutions call for cooperation in cases that are delegated to several authorities by rules of law (compensation, cooperative shares etc.).
  • Passing judgement on claims connected to land or other property.


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